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Deploying Cloud Functions in Node.js using Apollo Studio on AWS, Azure, and GCP through Terraform


Cloud computing has revolutionized the way we develop and deploy applications. Specifically, serverless architectures, where you don't have to manage any servers, are becoming increasingly popular. Today, we'll look at how to deploy a cloud function in Node.js using Apollo Studio on three popular cloud platforms, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Apollo Studio is a comprehensive platform for managing your data graph. It provides features like schema tracking, metrics, and enhanced security.

Terraform is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool, which allows you to create, update, and version your infrastructure safely and efficiently.

The first step to deploying your cloud function is to create your Node.js function. This will be the code that is executed when your function is called.

Then, you'll want to set up your environment in Apollo Studio. This will involve creating a new service and setting up your schema.

Once you've set up your service in Apollo Studio, you can then use Terraform to create a new resource for your cloud function. You'll need to configure the provider for your chosen cloud platform (AWS, Azure, or GCP), and then define your function as a new resource.

Here is an example of what this might look like for an AWS Lambda function:

provider "aws" {
    region = "us-west-2"

resource "aws_lambda_function" {
    function_name = "my-function"
    role          = aws_iam_role.iam_for_lambda.arn
    handler       = "index.handler"
    runtime       = "nodejs14.x"

    source_code_hash = filebase64sha256("")

For a GCP function:

provider "google" {
    project = "<PROJECT_ID>"
    region  = "us-central1"

resource "google_cloudfunctions_function" "function" {
    name        = "function-name"
    description = "My function deployed with Apollo Studio"
    runtime     = "nodejs14"

    available_memory_mb   = 256
    source_archive_bucket = "<SOURCE_BUCKET>"
    source_archive_object = "<SOURCE_OBJECT>"
    trigger_http          = true
    entry_point           = "apolloHandler"

For an Azure function:

provider "azurerm" {
    features {}

resource "azurerm_function_app" "example" {
    name                       = "apolloFunctionApp"
    location                   = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
    resource_group_name        =
    app_service_plan_id        =
    storage_account_name       =
    storage_account_access_key = azurerm_storage_account.example.primary_access_key
    os_type                    = "linux"
    https_only                 = true

    runtime_version = "~3"
    version         = "~3"

Please refer to the documentation for each tool and platform for full details and best practices.

Lastly, execute 'terraform apply' to create your infrastructure.

By using these tools, you can create reliable, scalable, and easily maintainable serverless applications.